If you’re having trouble toilet training your cat, you’ve come to the right place. This article discusses the problems associated with toilet training your cat and the methods available to solve them. It also discusses the various types of cat toilet training kits that are available and how much they cost. You can use the information you’ve learned to choose the best method for your cat.

Problems with cat toilet training

The first step in cat toilet training is to keep a clean litter box. It’s important to keep a fresh box clean and disinfected for your cat’s safety. Ensure it is a private place, away from feeding areas, and high enough for your cat to stand up and use comfortably. Also, make sure the sides aren’t too high or too low, especially if you have a young kitten. This can discourage your cat from using the box, making toilet training difficult.

If your cat regularly uses the litter box, it may begin eliminating outside of it. This can be a sign that it is upset and doesn’t want to use the litter box. Other signs of an upset cat include a reluctance to use the box, or it may enter the box quickly and leave before using it. Whatever the cause, you must address this issue quickly to prevent your cat from developing an unacceptable preference.


If your cat isn’t accustomed to the toilet, you can try one of the many methods for cat toilet training. For example, one popular method involves placing a litter-filled insert in the toilet bowl. This helps your cat drop its waste into the bowl. Another method involves using treats to reward your cat when he does his business in the litter box. Regardless of the method you use, remember to be patient and persistent.

Once your cat is used to using the toilet in a nearby location, you can move the litter box closer to the toilet. You can also place the litter box next to your cat’s food bowl. Once he starts using the toilet in the new location, reward him with a tasty treat.

Kits available

There are several kits available for cat toilet training. Each one contains a toilet seat, pan, and training ring. The ring is designed with a groove so that your feline can’t scratch it, and you can easily remove the trays when needed. Kits are also designed with premium catnip to entice your feline to use the toilet.

Depending on your cat’s characteristics, cat toilet training can take between eight and ten weeks. However, it will take longer for cats that are older than eight years or that have never been litter trained. For the best results, you should begin training your cat at around three months of age, when they are still nimble and agile. It is also a good idea to litter train before you try toilet training.


Cat toilet training is a great way to avoid the hassle of cleaning the litter box and saving money on cat litter. This method was made popular by Shark Tank in 2011, and TikTok videos have gained millions of views. Kits are usually around $25 or $60. They work by attaching plastic rings to the toilet seat to discourage your cat from falling in. The ring will gradually increase in size as your cat gets used to it.

Toilet training your cat can be expensive, so you may want to consider hiring a cat trainer to help you. The trainer will provide the training tools you need. These items include a big litter box, flushable kitty litter, a plastic bowl, and a separate toilet. Other items may be available for an additional cost. Some trainers even include treats for your cat to make the training easier.

Time frame

The time frame for cat toilet training can vary from individual to individual. However, there are a few general guidelines that can help your toilet-train your feline friend in a relatively short time. The first tip is to provide your cat with a comfortable place to use the litter box. You should never put the litter box in a corner where your cat can feel trapped while using it. Another tip is to provide your cat with light so that they can easily find the box. Nightlights are a great option for this.

Once you have established a litter box, your cat can begin to learn how to use it. Typically, you should start with a litter box with a large hole in the center and half a cup of litter. As your cat becomes more familiar with the toilet bowl, you can gradually decrease the amount of litter in the tray. Once your feline can use the toilet with minimal assistance, you can remove the litter box, and your cat will be potty trained!