Have you ever considered whether your pup could see in the dark? This question is frequently asked by pet parents wanting to ensure their pup stays safe and out of trouble.
Dogs may be able to see in the dark, but they lack the capacity for true pitch-black darkness as humans do. This is because our eyes require light in order to function properly; a clear lens focuses light onto a layer of sensitive tissue at the front called the cornea which then transmits it through its pupil into our back vision. Furthermore, there’s a light-sensing layer called the retina that converts visible light into electrical signals sent directly to our brain where they are unscrambled into images we see.
How Do Dogs See in the Dark?
Dogs not only have an enlarged pupils to let more light into their eyes, but they also possess two types of photoreceptors that enable them to see in dim lighting conditions. Cones are responsible for color perception while rods handle low-light conditions and help detect movement.
Humans and dogs utilize cones and rods to perceive colors from red to blue, while rods are more sensitive to dim lighting and shades of gray. Both species use these photoreceptors to convert light into nerve signals that travel to their brains.
Dogs possess a reflective structure behind their retinas called the tapetum lucidum, which helps them see better at night. This membrane bounces light not absorbed by rods back onto their retinas, giving it an enhanced glow and giving the appearance that their eyes are glowing.
When it comes to vision, canine vision is far superior to human sight. Dogs have evolved unique eye adaptations that give them an edge over other creatures when hunting potential prey.