Healthy dog nails are important for your dog’s coat and overall health. The way you provide your dog with food and water has a direct impact on its nail health. Increasing moisture in your dog’s meals can keep it hydrated and increase nutrient absorption. This will not only make your dog’s nails look better, but it will also improve their digestion and coat. Using wet dog food is a great way to increase the moisture content of your dog’s food.
Trimming dewclaws
Whether you’re during spring cleaning or preparing for the winter season, trimming dog dewclaws is a crucial part of dog nail health. These elongated nails are comprised of keratin and tend to grow at a different pace than other dog nails. Regardless of how long they grow, they’ll need to be trimmed to a certain length for safety and comfort. It’s recommended that you trim these claws once a month to maintain proper health.
The good news is that dewclaws usually heal well, so trimming them will not cause pain. However, if your dog is in pain, you may decide to remove them. This will prevent you from having to trim them every few weeks and stop them from hurting your dog.
Keeping quicks short
Keeping the quicks short on your dog’s nails is essential for foot health and comfort. The best way to do this is to trim them regularly. The longer the nails are, the more likely they are to split or develop quicks. For best results, try to wait at least three to four days between trims to allow the quicks to recede. Ideally, you should trim your dog’s nails once a week. However, once or twice a month should suffice.
Keeping quicks short on your dog’s nails will help keep the dog’s feet warmer in winter. A trimmed nail also reduces the risk of snagging on furniture and other hard surfaces. To make your dog’s nails shorter, start by clipping the nail a few millimeters above the quick. This will allow you to avoid causing bleeding.
Keeping paws moist
Keeping paws moist during the winter can help maintain a dog’s nail health. As the paw carries the dog’s body weight and treads on hard surfaces, it needs proper care and maintenance. Aside from preventing infections, paw care also helps your dog stay healthy.
Dry, cracked paws aren’t an attractive sight, and your dog needs protection against the elements. Keeping paws moist is the best way to protect your dog from these problems. Keep your dog’s feet moisturized at least once a day. Using a dog bootie provides the most protection, but some dogs won’t wear them. If your dog doesn’t wear paw booties, give his or her paws a warm, water-based wash when it comes inside from the outdoors. Sand and salt can irritate the skin, and the paws can become cracked.
Preventing infection
Keeping your dog’s nails clean and dry is essential to preventing infection. A veterinarian can help prevent infections by cleaning and soothing the affected area. He can also prescribe medication and antibiotics to treat the infection. Infections can be dangerous to your dog because they can spread to surrounding nerves, muscles, and bones. For this reason, it is important to seek treatment as early as possible.
Fungal infections are common in dogs, especially if they’re in warm climates. The symptoms of these infections include crumbling and dry nails. Your vet can diagnose the type of fungus causing the infection by scraping the infected area and giving your dog an oral or topical antifungal medication. Treatment may involve a variety of topical medicines, and medicated foot soaks. Depending on the severity of the infection, your dog may require a longer course of treatment.