What Are the 6 Basic Dog Commands?

What Are the 6 Basic Dog Commands?

If you want to improve your dog’s behavior, you can start with the basic commands. These include Come, Sit, and Stay. You can also use the ‘look’ command to address some behavioral problems and calm your dog down. This command is given to a dog when it is starting to become excited.


One of the first steps to teaching your dog how to come when called is to place treats near the dog’s nose. This will encourage your dog to raise his or her head and lower his or her haunches in response. Repeat the process several times until your dog understands what you want. Once the command has been mastered, you can introduce the leash to the command and begin working with it outside.


Sit is the easiest command for a dog to learn, and it will help your puppy learn impulse control. This command will also prevent your dog from jumping up to greet guests or neighbors, or from chasing other dogs or people. When teaching your dog this command, keep a favorite treat close to its nose and offer it to your dog when it sits.


The stay command is useful for training your dog to stay in a specific position for a certain amount of time. It is not the best choice for extended periods of time, as this could cause unnecessary stress for your dog. You should also avoid leaving your dog unattended for long periods of time, as this could put them in an unsafe situation.

Stay on command

One of the most important dog commands you should know is how to stay on command. To begin, put your dog in the position you want them to stay in. You can reward them when they remain in position for several seconds. Then, try to get them to stay in one position for longer periods.

Watch me

Using the “Watch Me” cue allows you to focus the dog’s attention on you during training. This can greatly increase the training’s success rate. This cue is very helpful for lure and treats training, where you entice the dog to perform a specific action with a toy or treat. Unlike the “look” command, which the dog may not respond to right away, the “Watch Me” command focuses the dog’s attention while it waits for the next cue.


Whether you’re looking to train a puppy or an adult dog, you’ll want to begin with the basics. A dog’s name is the first command he needs to learn. This command will act as a primer for all the other commands.