Blood in your dog’s stool can be concerning, especially if it occurs frequently. On the positive side, sometimes this is simply an indication that they’re improving on their own; on the negative side, it could indicate a serious underlying condition requiring immediate medical attention from your vet.

Blood in poop can be caused by many things, from parasites and colitis to digestive issues like diarrhea or stomach inflammation. It could also be an indication of cancer or other diseases, so it’s essential that your dog gets checked out right away.

Hematochezia, or bright red blood in a dog’s stool, is an indication of an issue with the lower digestive tract or colon. Other conditions that might cause this include eating something poisonous, serious injury to the digestive system, cancer, and viral or bacterial infections.

Melena, or a black and tarry dog stool covered with bright red blood, is commonly indicative of bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This could be caused by dental disease, stomach ulcers, toxins, certain medications, or conditions within the digestive tract itself according to Merck Veterinary Manual guidelines.

Bloody dog stools may be caused by various symptoms, such as vomiting, lethargy, or difficulty walking. Your veterinarian will conduct a physical exam to pinpoint the source of your pup’s poop and order tests such as a complete blood count and biochemistry profile, urinenalysis, faecal examination, coagulation profiles, abdominal x-rays/ultrasound scan, and/or colonoscopy for confirmation.

Treatment for hematochezia and melena usually involves deworming, antibiotics, or anti-inflammatory medication. Your dog’s diet and activity level will also play a role in the diagnosis and treatment plan.

Bloody stools in dogs may be indicative of colitis, a chronic digestive disease that affects the large intestine. If your pup is having bloody stools and appears to be under stress, you can request medications to help manage their condition.

Dark, thick-textured stools may indicate hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE), a more serious form of intestinal bleeding. This is often accompanied by severe vomiting and could prove life-threatening for your dog if not taken to the vet immediately.

Intestinal parasites can also be a problem if your dog has eaten food that contains these organisms. Your veterinarian will conduct a faecal exam and oral deworming to guarantee that your pup is free of these pests.

Other causes of bloody stools in dogs may include cancer, viral or bacterial infection, parvovirus, rectal injuries, and a sudden change in diet. Your vet can perform a urinalysis to check for bacteria and may need to order a culture as well.

Other causes of bloody stools in dogs may include kidney disease and/or failure, liver failure, pancreatitis, or other stomach issues like gastric dilatation-volvulus or bile duct obstruction. In severe cases, it could even be indicative of an enlarged spleen.