Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

As a dog parent, you may have observed your pup doing some unusual behaviors. From rolling in mud to sniffing other people’s feces, it can be challenging to figure out why your furry friend does certain things. Here are some common signs to watch out for:

Poop eating is one of the most disgusting yet common habits among dogs. While we can’t pinpoint why this behavior occurs, we can’t help but wonder if there may be some medical or nutritional reason for it.

Some veterinary nutritionists believe poop-eating is actually a sign that your dog’s digestive system may be malfunctioning. This could occur if they’re underweight or suffer from conditions like diabetes, thyroid disease, or Cushing’s Syndrome which cause them to be constantly hungry.

In some cases, it could simply be a behavioral issue. For instance, some poop-eaters may have experienced abuse or neglect as pups; in this instance, it is essential that your dog receives appropriate treatment and support in order to correct this behavior.

No matter the cause, it’s essential to get your pet evaluated by a veterinarian. They can identify what’s causing your pup’s coprophagia and provide you with more precise guidance on how best to address the issue.

Many veterinary nutritionists believe poop-eating in dogs is an effort to “reclaim” nutrients they may have lost during digestion, similar to how humans might chew on gum or candy. This could indicate an absence of enzymes or trace minerals in their diet.

Other nutritional deficiencies can also contribute to stool eating in dogs. For instance, if they’re on a low-protein diet, they could be missing essential amino acids.

Eating poop can also be an effective way for your pup to relieve stress and anxiety (provided it’s not due to a digestive issue). For instance, if you use harsh potty training techniques or shout at them when they go number two, they might decide to eat their waste in order to rid themselves of the evidence.

When your pup’s stool appears abnormal, it could be indicative of their health. Any abnormalities in color, consistency, or frequency should be cause for concern and should prompt you to schedule an appointment with your vet.

Poop-eating can be indicative of gastrointestinal disease or parasite infection, so it’s essential to seek professional veterinary assistance. In particular, bloody poop or red-tissue-like stools could indicate hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.

If the poop-eating is not due to an illness, you can try to curb the behavior by giving your pup more mental and physical exercise. This could be done by taking them on more walks and playing with them in different parts of the house.

Anxiety and frustration are two of the primary reasons why dogs tend to eat their poop. This could be indicative of your pup trying to hide something or wanting to avoid negative attention.

If your efforts at stopping poop-eating are failing, it may be time to consult a professional trainer. They can teach your dog how to control his habit without punishing or starving him.